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How to Buy Mainstream Cryptocurrencies on Coinbase?

Buying cryptocurrencies can seem complicated for beginners, but Coinbase, as a user-friendly platform, makes this process quite simple. This article will guide you step by step on how to buy mainstream cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin on Coinbase.

1. Create a Coinbase Account#

1.1 Register#

Coinbase Cryptocurrency
First, visit the official Coinbase website and click on the "Sign Up" button in the top right corner. Enter your email address and create a strong password.

1.2 Verify Your Identity#

To comply with regulatory requirements, Coinbase requires you to provide proof of identity. Upload photos of the front and back of your ID card or passport and wait for verification.
Buying Cryptocurrencies

1.3 Set Up Security Measures#

Add two-factor authentication to enhance the security of your account. You can choose to use SMS verification or the Google Authenticator app.

2.1 Add Payment Method#

In your account settings, select "Payment Methods" and then add your bank account or credit card information. This will be used for transferring funds to purchase cryptocurrencies.

2.2 Bank Account Verification#

When using your bank account for the first time, Coinbase will initiate a small transfer to verify your account. Once you confirm these transfers, your bank account will be verified as a payment method for buying cryptocurrencies.

3. Choose the Cryptocurrency You Want to Buy#

On the Coinbase homepage, you will see a "Buy/Sell" button. Click on it, and you can choose mainstream cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and more.

4. Specify the Purchase Amount#

4.1 Enter the Amount#

On the purchase page, enter the amount of cryptocurrency you want to buy or select a percentage of your account funds for the total purchase amount.

4.2 Check the Exchange Rate#

Note that the purchase price will fluctuate in real-time based on market rates. Once you have confirmed the price, click on "Buy."

5. Complete the Transaction#

5.1 Review the Transaction#

On the confirmation page, review the purchase details, including the type of cryptocurrency, quantity, total amount, and payment method.

5.2 Confirm the Purchase#

Click on the "Buy" button, and the transaction will be executed immediately. The purchased cryptocurrency will be stored in your Coinbase wallet.

6. Securely Store Your Cryptocurrencies#

6.1 Use the Coinbase Wallet#

Coinbase provides a built-in wallet, but you can also choose to transfer your cryptocurrencies to your own hardware wallet for added security.

6.2 Backup Your Wallet#

Make sure to backup your wallet recovery phrase, as it is the only way to restore your wallet. Keep it safe and secure.

7. Learn and Track the Market#

Coinbase offers market data and news to help you stay updated on the latest developments in cryptocurrencies. Regularly check for informed investment decisions.

Now, you have successfully purchased mainstream cryptocurrencies on Coinbase. Continue learning and exploring this digital world full of opportunities, but remember to invest wisely and only risk funds you can afford to lose.


  1. Coinbase Official Help Center - How to Buy Cryptocurrency on Coinbase
  2. Investopedia - Cryptocurrency Investing Guide
  3. Forbes - Best Practices for Securely Storing Your Cryptocurrency

We hope this guide has been helpful to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment. Wishing you a smooth journey in the world of cryptocurrencies!

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